
Sierra and Spark Unlimited team up

Spark Unlimited acquired an agreement from Sierra Entertainment to cooperate on a next-gen action title to be released in 2007. Spark Unlimited, who is known mostly for their first person shooters (Call of Duty: Finest Hour), will continue this trend on next-gen consoles. They seemed fine on their own -- why take Sierra (a piece of Vivendi Games) and do a partnership for a game? Maybe the setting isn't World War 2 and that boggles some of the developer's minds over at Spark Unlimited. Maybe they wanted something like F.E.A.R. but were afraid of getting a copyright suit? Seems to be a hot ticket these days. Other than the fact they've buddied up and are making an action game in a modern setting, not much news about the game. Until more details pop up, let's hope the two can make a fun experience.