
Video of the final PS3 dev kit and partial dashboard

During a visit with Sega to get the latest on Full Auto 2, 1Up captured a video of the final PlayStation 3 dev kit and what the dashboard of the PS3 is lookin' like right about now.

... we were given a chance to play around with a final PS3 development kit and captured it all on film. Particularly worthy of attention were the controller (which didn't have the tilt functionality in it yet, unfortunately) and the menu system, which, while still very early, shows the obvious design cues from the PSP's dashboard.

If you're interested in what Full Auto 2 looks like, you can watch the video here. We played the game last month and were impressed by the makeover for the PS3. The cars handled better and most importantly, didn't fly like paper airplanes every time you hit a bump in the road.