
Real Ouendan cheerleaders believe in you!

We have to update Joystiq, but we're feeling so dejected and uninspired. If only we had some motivation or some measurable system of support. We can't let the readers down! We need some assistance. We need oh ... oh ...


This article would simply not have been possible had it not been for three musically inclined, amazingly synchronized strangers bursting forth from the closet and radiating encouragement. It would seem that one of the best games on the DS, Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! (that's the title, not a sign of enthusiasm) is rooted in reality, at least the kind of distorted reality you'd expect to discover on the planet of Japan. The embedded video depicts a very real and personal cheerleader squad facing one of their greatest challenges yet -- a lonely man in search of female companionship. Judging by the state of his home, it's probably best if said female turns out to be a maid.

It's amazing to note that the cheerleader squad has been around for sixty years, encouraging (and perhaps frightening) people into action with obnoxious shouting, frantic arm movements and the general appearance of having a full-blown seizure. The world definitely needs more of these guys.

Next year: The establishment of the world's first Elite Beat Agency!

[Thanks theKiko! You did it!]