
Overheard at PAX: *crickets* (or: Gaming trivia contestants don't know jack) [update 1]

Apparently Ubisoft had caseloads of Nivea for Men Sensitive Balm aftershave (with chamomile & vitamins, natch) that they were eager to give away (don't ask us, we just work here), so Alon, host of Chatterbox Video Game Radio and emcee of this morning's game trivia event, did his best to unload the goods.

Alon: "Who needs any Sensitive balm?"
Funny audience dude: "Those guys need it cause they're getting burned."

Oooh snap! But seriously, these chumps missed some seriously easy questions: the house of Pac-Man merged with the house of Gundam to form NamcoBandai; Geometry Wars originally appeared in Project Gotham Racing 2; and Final Fantasy was the game series with a non-continuous storyline but always has a character named Cid. This stuff ain't that hard.

The realities of human anatomy and the sinewy strength of muscle tissue were the only things keeping the heavens-stretched arms of the audience from reaching themselves straight off their bodies. The "ooh oohs" and "I know, I knows" were cacophonous and it appeared that more answers were coming from the peanut gallery than the podium.

Thing is, Alon tells us that he tried his darndest to find some worthy contestants. He handed out sixty quizzes to PAX attendees (fer'chris'sakes!) with five gaming trivia questions to choose his combatants; unfortunately, no one got them all right. If everyone knew he had fourteen DS Lites bundled with Starfox Command, we're sure people would have been banging down these doors.

[Update: added image of final score after the break. Thanks for the pic GrlGmr!]

Final score: 29 vs. 6 vs. 1 ... ouch!