
Crytek: No Crysis for you!

Crytek has a message for console gamers concerning their slobber-inducing FPS, Crysis -- and it's along the lines of "No soup for you!":

Speaking at the Games Convention in Leipzig, Bernd Diemer, senior game designer of Crytek, explained that next-generation consoles don't offer enough computational power to run Crysis, German publication Heise reported.

...Diemer explained that "next generation consoles like the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 do not offer the sufficient power" to assure the quality of gameplay Crytek demand for Crysis.

Pass the sour grapes. I'm beginning to think this game exists just to make the PC gaming-centric nerds in the IT department feel superior--as if their dinky home rigs could handle the specs either.