
Burnout 5 burning out... peeling rubber... on next-gen

Time to burn dust... eat my rubber (if anyone gets that reference, you are made of pure comedic gold)! Criterion's popular Burnout series is getting a fifth iteration on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2007. The game is boasting a seamless racing area known as Paradise City (we assume this means no load times... sweet). Want to take on a rough n' tough burner? Stack up some reputation on your driver's license for being destructive and insane... perhaps then you will be challenged to a duel, of sorts. No more menu systems to bug you and no more aimless wandering in search of your next task.

Perhaps the most interesting tidbit about this game is the fact it's being built from the ground up for next-gen systems. No recycling in Paradise City, it seems. The move to rebuild the game completely is a fantastic move, even if it causes more work for those at Criterion. Get prepared for fantastic looking car crashes and pile-ups (doesn't that make you feel dirty? fantastic looking... scenes of death? Oh well) in this next-gen Burnout. Updates will come as news surfaces.