
Apple's free iPod nano offer ends September 16th

Students: if you haven't gorged yourself on loans for that perfect Mac + iPod nano rig, or if you haven't begged your parents enough before being shipped off to the university - you have about 11 days left to do so. Apple's 'Buy a Mac and get a free iPod nano' offer ends this coming September 16th.

I just received the notification email, and the picture in it (snapped as a JPEG and resized for this post) is surprisingly an animated GIF - the nano actually moves to help count down (up?) to 12. I don't remember the last time I've received an animated email from Apple, but I sure hope this doesn't preclude a new trend of flashing, 'Click here to club the seal and win a Mac!' marketing emails.

More details, including which Macs are eligible (the Mac Pro is on the list now) are available at Apple's Back to School promo page.