
Readers pick best webcomic (August 27 - September 2, 2006)

The winner of this week's webcomic wrapup, perennial favorite none of the above, did not show up to accept his award tonight (damn abstract entities ...), so instead we were forced to give it to the runner-up, VG Cats. Second place now goes to Gamer PALs and third was stolen by Mac Hall.

The ever-present dilemma rears its ugly head once more: how do we balance popular gaming webcomics with less known, underrated entries? It's no secret that many people will vote based on brand name alone (e.g. Penny Arcade, Ctrl+Alt+Del, VG Cats, etc.) and not on the individual comic. We'd love to hear your ideas and opinions on the matter.

As always, thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you stumble upon this week!
