
Wii rumors: a compilation

The last time we hit you guys with a compilation of rumors, we figured it would be the last post of its kind. With Leipzig around the corner and everyone looking at it to reveal price and launch date for the Wii, the days of rumors and their detailed compilations being available over the mass of tubes we call the 'internet' looked to be over.

Since we all were undoubtedly disappointed with Nintendo's unwillingness to compromise at Leipzig by giving us the juicy information we needed, now we have a fresh, new compilation to present. A compilation of Wii rumors stemming from the month of August. Funny how Nintendo managed to not give up the information we sought and instead presented us with that much more to speculate on and fine-comb through with magnifying glass firmly clutched in our shaking, sweaty hand.

She's a crafty one, that Nintendo...

[Thanks Matt!]