
EU Horde guild Nihilum wipe at 1% on Kel'thuzad

In our quest to bring you updates on world Naxxramas firsts comes news that European guild Nihilum almost got the big bad lich Kel'thuzad down on their first visit.

The EU Magtheridon server horde guild actually got in 4 attempts before Kel'thuzad fled the scene as he has been apt to do lately. The first attempt brought the Lich King's lieutenant down to 52%, the second 22%, followed by two 1% wipes in a row before the boss bugged out and wouldn't return.

Although a GM page was answered, apparently Blizz was unwilling or unable to respawn the boss for another attempt.

Of course alliance guild Death and Taxes has progressed to Kel'thuzad as well so it looks like it is going to be a race to the wire to see who bags the baddest boss in Azeroth first.

Hopefully Blizzard will address this Kel'thuzad bug quickly so we don't end up with another C'Thun situation here where a bug affects the outcome of the race to a world first.

[Thanks Hixx]