
Still no hunter BC talent/skill love

With every other class either having their skill and talent info released or leaked, poor hunters are left as the only class with absolutely nothing to go on.

What scares me the most is that two more classes are confirmed to be getting some sort of pet (mage water elemental through talents and the shaman earth and fire elementals through skills) and, from the various leaks coming out, it is possible that druids (summon treant) and priests (champions) might be getting a sidekick as well.

Where does all this leave the hunter pet?

As it is hunter pets are virtually useless in endgame raids, most raid leaders will insta-kick you just for bringing them out. With other classes getting pets of some sort, Blizz is going to have to seriously rethink the purpose of hunter pets. Are they simply extra dps? A DoT that needs to be fed and dies in about 20 seconds. Or are they meant to have more functionality that increases their worth during high-end content.

The 8/8 Cryptstalker set bonus is evidence that Blizzard doesn't think to highly (or much at all) of hunter pets.

For 59 levels my pet was my sidekick and essential to my success, however the minute you hit 60 your pet gets left behind even though you learned your class with him at you side.

So is the delay in releasing hunter Burning Crusade info scaring some people out there or do you have confidence Blizz is just holding back a pleasant surprise in store for hunters?