
Star Fox Command developer interview

Producer Takaya Imamura and Director Dylan Cuthbert on the recently-released DS gameStar Fox Command conducted an interview with RMC over at Go Nintendo. The interview mainly revolves around the development phase for the game. When asked about taking the game "off rails," Imamura commented that the portable nature of the DS begged for a change.

RMC - When it comes to the StarFox series, many of the entries have been on-rails shooters. How did the decision come about for StarFox Command to break from tradition, and go with free roaming game play?

Imamura – The main reason relates back to the fact that this is on a portable device. We wanted something that the player would be able to control their playtime. With StarFox Command, the player can choose to go through and just hit the core enemies and complete the levels quickly, or they can go through slowly and take out all of the enemies. Giving the player the ability to pick up and stop when they wanted was one reason to take the game off rails. As you know, on rails has a definite beginning and ending point, which does allow the player that freedom to adjust the time they are playing.

Nothing new comes from the interview, but it's a nice long read and insightful look into how Star Fox Command came to be the game you know and love. Or hate, if that's your cup of tea.