
In-game memorial for Steve Irwin

We have all heard the chatter over the trade and LFG channels – and on those IRL media sources like TV and newspapers too – about the death of Crocodile Hunter and Australian treasure Steve Irwin.

Some players over on Frostwolf server have decided to hold an in-game memorial to the Australian icon and plans are underway via the official WoW forums.

There is some debate as to whether or not the memorial should be held at the Zoram Strand in Ashenvale or Dustwallow Marsh, where there are an abundance of crocs to be found.

It is important to note that Frostwolf is a PvP server, raising the possibility that the solemn event could turn into a gankfest if a few jerks decide to be...well jerks.

Final details about date and time have yet to be finalized but you can visit the Frostwolf realm forum to find out more.