
Grok Half-Life 2: E2's five gameplay demos

Having trouble getting used to Valve's eight-month episodic cycle? We can sympathize, we keep dreaming of Alyx also (don't worry, our shrink says this is totally normal).

So we're only ... uh, four and a half months away from Half-Life 2: Episode 2's planned February 2007 release date and it's still not getting any easier. But Valve, empathic as they are, felt our pain last week and added the five gameplay demos they were showing off at the Leipzig Games Convention to Steam so we can download and enjoy them in lovely high-def. Don't want to bother with all that? We've also added all five in blocky embed-o-vision after the break.

[Image credit: Planet of the Geeks]

Gameplay Demo 1: Abandoned Mineshaft

Gameplay Demo 2: Cave Exploration

Gameplay Demo 3: Helicopter Assault

Gameplay Demo 4: Death from Above

Gameplay Demo 5: Countryside Rampage