
An art project on playing with your food

The proprietors of GamePaused, "an entrepreneurial business aiming to spread creativity through video games," have proven their creative chops with this series of posters inspired by Nintendo's latest console creations. While the rest of us could only see pee jokes and Mario Kart DS, the GamePaused team flicked a switch in their brains that enabled them to see the world through an artist's eye ... or the eyes of a colony of ants, it's hard to tell. The Wii becomes simply Fruiit, while the dual-screened DS, well, it's just a Deli Sandwich.

Somewhere in this post there's a heartening life lesson about the power of imagination; about the world inside our mind and not the one on the screen in front of us. But why is it that instead of pondering those weighty ideas, we're stuck wondering what sorts of food other consoles would be if viewed through the same prism. The GameCube is totally a bouillon cube! If interested, you can pick up each poster for £13.99 (about $26) or £22.99 for the pair (about $43).

[Thanks, Matthew]