Cingular bans the word "engadget" from its customer forums
Oh, Cingular. We know you're pissed at us -- you stopped returning our phone calls a while ago after we posted that product roadmap we got our hands on -- but banning all mention of our name, as well as our URL, from your user forums is a little cheap and heavy-handed, don't you think? Guess you don't want your users making informed decisions about your service. Anyway, we must be doing something right, because here's the message users get when trying to post anything to Cingular's customer forums with the word "engadget" in it:
The message body contains the following prohibited content: 'Engadget' You must remove this content before submitting your post.
When writing your message, remember to keep the language clean.
Then again, from what we understand "engadget" is now a swear word in Albanian, so maybe we're being unreasonable.
[Thanks, David K.]
Update: There is one Engadget mention in an old forum post, but as of Thursday, September 14th, the word "engadget" is still banned!
Update 2: It took about a week, but we're unbanned!