
Resident Evil 4 -- the movie... at least it has Leon?

Jensen Ackles is rumored to play Leon Kennedy in the fourth, yes, fourth, Resident Evil movie, scheduled to being filming next year. This isn't to be confused with the third RE movie, "Extinction". The fourth is "Afterlife". The fifth is "Overkill". Just kidding, there's no fifth. Yet. Do we really need a fourth? Do we really need a third? Maybe. Even though the movies horribly destroy everything the games stand for, they must be popular somewhere to be getting a third and fourth iteration. Let's just hope we get Resident Evil 5 to wash the bad taste out of our mouths between these movies.

This Ackles guy is supposed to be pretty good. Honestly, we've never seen him in his show "Supernatural". Some say he fits the bill of a Leon Kennedy. But let's be honest -- he won't be a Leon. Leon is way too cool for that. What? Leon's not real? Hogwash. Hey, how about this: in the third and fourth Resident Evil movies, what would you want to see? It can be a scene from one of the games, it can be something you wish was done better (mansion exploration would have been cool)... or it could be Milla Jovovich getting obliterated by a thermonuclear explosion. Hey, we'll need Leon to have the spotlight. Move over, "Alice".