
A trinity of new Unknown Realms screenshots

You may be wondering why, all of a sudden, we're doing an entire post on a few measly screenshots? Fanboyism, of course! Unknown Realms has been a fairly elusive PS3 title, and for good reason. Kouji Okada is behind this game -- for those who are really into knowing the names of people behind their games, he's renowned for his work on the Shin Megami Tensei series (one of my favorites!).

We finally have some details about the game. An occult journalist gets a call for help from a girl and when he arrives to assist her, she's dead. He decides to investigate. A second character ends up in the same place as the journalist, following a letter from her mother who has been dead for a good while. It's dark fantasy, as the characters are transported to dream-like areas with whacky and amazing lighting effects. Not to mention insane monster designs. Anyway, maybe more details will surface. In the meantime, gawk at the above screen and check out the others listed at IGN.