
TGS 06: FFVII Crisis Core trailer eyes-on

One of the most wanted, and most mysterious PSP games out there has to be Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Little to nothing is known about this prequel to the uber-popular Square RPG, except that you'll play as Cloud's buddy, Zack. There's a new trailer for the game at Tokyo Game Show, but until the video gets leaked, 1UP has given us some great eyes-on:

Based on the roughly five seconds of gameplay footage on display (which is actually generous; it may have been four), Crisis Core looks like a single-player action RPG. It's extremely fast-paced, in fact, with Zach dashing around combat areas, slashing foes with a sword and racking up combo hits. Over-the-top seems to be the order of the day; attacks rack up damage in the triple digits, and the action is preceded with Zachs squaring off for a fight with Neo-Bahamut.

Sounds good to me! According to the preview, the graphics seem to be stunning. The action-packed approach to Final Fantasy seems exciting to say the least, even if it hasn't translated very well in previous efforts. Once we find a trailer, we'll post it here on the Fanboy.