
Welcome back, Winter Squid! (We missed you.)

In Azeroth, summer is over and winter has begun! How do I know, you ask? Because there are reports of players fishing up Winter Squid. So get out your fishing poles, folks -- because Winter Squid has returned, ousting the much less interesting Summer Bass. So what makes Winter Squid so great? Cooked, it turns into Grilled Squid, which gives one a +10 agility buff -- a much-loved buff for any melee class.

And, hey, even if you aren't interested in the buff yourself, stockpile fish now and sell them in 6 months when they become rare again. So for more on how to get some of this delicacy for yourself, read on.

You can pull Winter Squid out of the ocean waters (you won't find them in inland lakes or rivers) of Azshara (Feathermoon Stronghold is a safe spot for Alliance), Feralas, the Hinterlands (Reventusk Village is a safe spot for Horde), Tanaris (Steamwheedle Port is a safe spot, but can get crowded), and Stranglethorn Vale (Booty Bay is a safe spot, but many seem to think they drop better elsewhere). In some places you may be contending with high level

You'll need a fishing skill of around 200 to catch these fabulous squid, so if you aren't already at 200 skill, you'll need to boost your abilities somehow. Fortunately, with lures, special fishing poles, enchants, and other items it's possible to push your fishing skill well over 100, so if you're not quite to 240, don't fret -- just look up some of these handy items.

Lures: These can usually be found at fishing or general goods vendors. However, each lure requires a certain amount of fishing skill to use, so you can't completely neglect training! Each lure only lasts for 10 minutes, and the highest level lure only lasts for 5 minutes, so be sure to stock up.
Shiny Bauble (+25): vendor
Nightcrawlers (+50): vendor, but they can also drop from certain undead
Bright Baubles (+75): vendor
Aquadynamic Fish Attractor (+100): some vendors have these in limited quantities, but they can also be made by engineers (so check the auction house!)

Fishing poles: These aren't commonly found, so if you pick one up, it's worth hanging on to it!
Blump Family Fishing Pole (+3): Alliance quest (Darkshore -- on the shore by the dock)
Strong Fishing Pole (+5): vendor (limited qty.)
Big Iron Fishing Pole (+20): drop (from large clams off the coast of Desolace)
Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler (+25): Horde quest (Hinterlands -- on the dock)
Arcanite Fishing Pole (+35): Fishing Extravaganza reward

Other: There are a few other odds and ends out there that will help out your fishing abilities, if you need 'em!
Glove enchant (+2): the recipe is a drop, but you may be able to find it on the auction house or simply locate an enchanter who already has it.
Lucky Fishing Hat (+5): Fishing Extravaganza (rare fish turnin)
Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots (+5): Fishing Extravaganza (rare fish turnin)
High Test Etemium Fishing Line (+5): Fishing Extravaganza (rare fish turnin)