
Sharpen those pitchforks: self-professed "non gamer" trashes Wii

It's probably not a good idea to try and trash the Wii with little-to-no fact behind your fiction. One columnist found that out, the hard way, and now we have someone else trying to put the "man pants" on and beat down Nintendo like they're his red-headed stepchildren? Oh, no, we aren't having it! Like Forrest said "stupid is as stupid does."

And that's exactly how this piece is coming off: ignorant. Why are you trying to write about the gaming industry and put weight behind your word after you profess to not even be a gamer? That totally validates your opinions, amirite? No, it does not. On top of that, you profess that "if you're a serious gamer looking for serious graphics and serious choice, you'll gladly pay double for a serious console." For being a "non gamer," you sure do know our kind well. Also, since when does "serious graphics" make a console and/or game? Some of the industry's best games have had sub-par graphics!

We're usually calm-headed and objective, but this kind of biased "journalism" gets under our skin. We'll call a spade a spade any day of the week and while our blog is named Nintendo Wii Fanboy and our header image reiterates this title, it by no means makes us irrational, over-bearing fanboys. We love Nintendo because of the great products they provide us, not because they give us "serious choices."

Whatever that means ...