
New scans of FFVII reveals my inability to read Japanese

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core is one of my most anticipated games, even though it's surrounded by complete mystery. (Of course, I'm one of those types that pays attention to anything that has the words "Final" and "Fantasy" together.) I know many of you are just as desperate for new info and screens on this game as I am, and any miniscule bit we can find only makes us hunger for more. has discovered two new scans, filled with copious amounts of kanji. There are two new screens to admire (pictured above), and they look absolutely amazing (assuming they're in-game, and not CG).

If you'd like to act as a translator for us, take a peek after the cut and help us decipher these scans. Maybe they'll reveal thrilling insights into the game. Or, maybe they'll give you tips on how to make your hair as snazzy as Cloud's.