
Why the PS3 is worth the price, Jamie MacDonald edition

We've barked up this tree so many times that the tree would probably bark back... even so, SCE Worldwide Studios Europe VP Jamie MacDonald has some more reasons why the PS3 is worth your pocket change loan. Kind of. More like... he defends Sony from the interviewer. We'll do our own Q&A session here, taking liberties to reword the interview questions to reflect their ulterior motives.

Q: I already know the answer, but let's start this off on a negative note: Are you disappointed about Sony delaying the PS3 in Europe?
A: "I was gutted...of course I'm disappointed."

Q: Let's ask leading question: What would you say to people who want Sony products but feel they're thought of last, being in Europe?
A: "European consumers have shown that historically they don't mind that, because they end up buying as many PlayStations, if not more, than the US and Japan."

Q: Will the delay change your chances of winning the console battle?
A: "I think in the long run, PlayStation 3 will succeed because of the great product it is and the great software we make for it."

Q: What do you think of the Wii60 concept? For the price of the PS3 you can get the Wii and the 360 (Not... really... but whatever)?
A: "A PlayStation 3 console comes with a Blu-ray disc player in the box, it comes with an HDMI connection in the box, and it comes with a hard disc drive - so the kind of entertainment experience you can get with a PlayStation 3 out of the box really is unique amongst the isn't comparing apples to apples."

On and on... the annoying part of the interview was where the interviewer blatantly tried to corner Jamie MacDonald with the PSP and it's supposed shortcomings (supposed only because he defended it really well). There are hard-hitting questions, then there's just pestering. This overall media bias is kind of annoying, but perhaps we're overanalyzing. What do you think? Is there a horrible anti-Sony fog hovering amidst the media outlets to the point of ridiculousness?