
Wii runs Linux? [update 1]

Huggable penguin

Ah, Linux. Your nerdy appeal has won many a gamer. For the uninitiated, Linux is an open-source operating system that is vastly scalable and customizable for various platforms and applications, and as such, is perfect for homebrew development. One of the first tasks of any "console cracking" team is to get a version of Linux running on the box, as it opens up a myriad of possibilities. Certainly, the Wii would be a prime target, but ....

Nintendo may have already beat them to it. According to a rumor from Ars Technica, Nintendo is actually using a modified version of Linux as its primary operating system on the Wii. Though some security measures will certainly be in place, it probably won't be long before some clever haX0r figures out a way around the protocols in place. Exciting news for the homebrew community, to be certain. We recommend checking out the entire article; it's a good read.

[Thanks, Probot!]

[Update 1: Just about as soon as this article went live, Ars Technica posted that the rumors were in fact untrue. Oh well ....]