
GuildWatch: Yoko broke up the band

Time once again for our weekly look at who's up (in arms), who's downed (by raids), and who's out (as in, out there looking for new players). Yep, it's GuildWatch, and just like the unraveling tale of Mark "Maf54" Foley, you're kind of disgusted but you can't bear to look away.

If you want your guild to appear here (or, perhaps, a guild that has just /gkicked you for a really stupid reason), drop an email to, and then bask in the glory and honor that comes along with showing up on a column about player guilds in the biggest MMORPG ever. Sure, it won't get you free coffee at Starbucks, but it will win you the respect (and/or scorn) of geeks everywhere. Click the link to continue.


  • Last week we asked about guilds that had recieved beta invites for the expansion, and one tipster responded with news of not one but two guilds that made the cut: Impervious and Bloodthirst, both on Stormreaver-A. Any more? And it occurs to me-- what if guilds have already downed content inside the expansion? Does that work as a worldfirst? If nothing else, it definitely gives them a leg up when BC hits.

  • An anonymous tipster says that Finding Emo (winner of this week's best guild name award) on Stonemaul-A almost didn't make it after a former guild officer /gquit after /gkicking all non-officers of the guild out. Apparently they logged into an empty guild the next day-- most of the close guildies made it back, but a large number didn't.

  • Morbus Instrictus on Kazzak-H (EU) disbanded last week, even though they were on Twin Emps and had killed two bosses in Naxx. When I asked their tipster to elaborate, he said the problem was as old as the Beatles-- the guild master quit to join his girlfriend's guild, and while the other officers made a valiant effort to keep the guild running, in the end, they just couldn't keep it together without him. It's the Yoko curse, man, I'm telling you. They did leave this nice video in their wake, however.

  • Knights of Apocalipse on Warsong-H is dangling on the edge-- they had a big split after some guildies wanted to focus on high-end content, and I suppose some guildies didn't. Since all the raiders left for Dark Legacy, the entire guild is, as the tipster says, "60-barren." They're recruiting, though, so they might pull through yet. Good luck!


  • Forlorn Legacy on Windrunner-A (here's their kickass website) has downed the Four Horsemen, and sent along a video to prove it.

  • The nice guys over at Celestial Knights on Eldre'Thalas-A continue to update us on their progress. This time, it's Nef downed. Grats!

  • Scarlet Menace (server?) send us a cool video of getting their first Tier 3 and Splinter. Grats to you too!

  • This is wild: Iron Legion on Llane-A downed Raggy, Nef for the first time, and Ony all on the same night.

  • Argus Imperious of Whisperwind-A finished off Battleguard Sartura


  • The Proper Guild on Azjol Nerub-A (EU) is recruiting to get people into tier 0 and start raiding

  • Equilibrium on Mal'Ganis-H is still recruiting. For the love of Thrall, somebody join them!

  • Iron Tower on Scilla-A is building a raiding group 55+

  • The Mondays have an interesting idea: they're trying to build a premade expansion guild on a PVP server. They're looking for experience and no drama, so expect it to be exclusive, lucrative, and, if you fit in, fun.

  • Testimonium on Eonar-H is farming most 40 mans, and wants help for AQ40 and Naxx- a warrior, a hunter, and two druids

  • Against All Authority on Dethecus-H is now recruiting for endgame-- need everything but warriors and rogues

  • HolyWar on Daggerspine-A is no-nonsense: they want Priests and Druids in Tier 2 and a Warrior in full Tier 3. But if you really had all that stuff, why would you be looking for a guild?

That'll do it for the GW this week. Thanks for reading, and don't forget our submission address: We want to hear your tips! Please!