
On the phone with GameStop ... and GameStop, and GameStop ....

Looks like we weren't the only ones who were frustrated with waiting around for information on U.S. Wii preorders. 1UP 's Dan Dormer took the quest for the truth a step beyond and called a GameStop or EB in every single state. After all, the more answers, the more likely a pattern will emerge from the chaos and the truth will be revealed, right?

Of course, now we know, and instead of hunting for clues, we're free to hunt for the humor ... not that we have to look very hard. From the hardcore salesman to the clueless counterjockey, the responses from stores across the nation, the various responses offer an entertaining cross-section. Check after the jump for a few of the best.

Filed under: People want to know stuff? That's crazy talk.
TEXAS: EB Games #4527: "Um, I'm really not sure [laughs]."
GEORGIA: EB Games #4044: "Um, I.. I can check for you. [Put on hold.] We won't know when we're gonna hear about pre-orders for the Wii."

The sympathetic gamer:
MISSISSIPPI: EB Games #5135: "We're supposed to be taking them sometime this week, man. They haven't told us yet. You should try back at around 10 in the morning because that's when I'd get an email that would let me know when."

Don't ask us, ask the internet:
: EB Games #4598: "We don't know for sure yet, but I'd check on the internet Thursday night because the rumor currently is that they'll start on Friday."
ILLINOIS: GameStop #476: "We don't know. If we have the same window as we did with the PS3 we'll know the day before. I've heard a rumor, and this hasn't been validated by my company, that its Friday. However, the Wii quantity is much nicer so, yeah. But check back on Thursday evening because you'll be surprised how quickly people will find out and lineup."

Because I'm tired of answering this question:
KANSAS: GameStop #2813: "Sooner the better, heh. We can pre-order your games, but we can't pre-order you a system yet."

When a simple yes or no won't do:
MASSACHUSETTS: EB Games #4226: "Not sure about that yet. I know with the PS3 pre-order they sent out an email blast about it, so the best thing you could is do come down and get your email address on our email list. If you've pre-ordered games before we can just go into your profile and add your email, and if you haven't you could just put $5 down on a Wii game and then we could get you in the system."

The little salesman that could:
IDAHO: EB Games #4186: "Have you pre-ordered your games yet? Come in, pre-order some games and then you'll be good to go. Nintendo is horrible about making enough software for the holidays. Just come in with $20 and put $5 on a couple games and if you don't get a system you can just cancel the pre-orders and take the money back."
Because it's fun to pretend you're being questioned by the man, uh ... man:
ARIZONA: EB Games #4689: "Later on this week. I've heard a rumor that we're taking them on Friday, but I can't confirm or deny that. You might want to check back with us on Thursday night."

When it's all about the customer service:
VIRGINIA: GameStop #2410: "Not officially. They've given us the 'soon' terminology, and we're thinking that means sooner rather than later. Possibly even this week or next week. Just stay on top of it."

We just don't know:
NEW HAMPSHIRE: GameStop #1142: "We have no idea. No idea whatsoever."

One thing most of the answers had in common? They were right to tell people to keep checking, because now we know that Friday is it!