
Rumor: Metroid Prime 3, online play, and DS connectivity

We offer this one with a cornucopia of salt, because it may turn out to be one of those father's-brother's-friend's-cousin-said sort of deals, but it's just so delicious that we can't keep it to ourselves. An "anonymous reader" apparently tipped UK site Cubed3 that there are many reasons behind the delay of the Wii's Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and some of them are quite interesting. Such as the fact that the game may include some sort of amorphous DS connectivity. The tipster also indicated that online play was being added for the Wii (o rly?), and there's word that the graphics are being further tweaked as well. Color us skeptical, but we'll keep an ear to the ground, because if any of this is true, it's a good day to be a Nintendo fan.

[Via Nintendojo]