
Share XBLA games on two Xbox 360s... legally

For those of you too cheap to pay full price for Xbox Live Arcade games, a poster on the CheapAssGamer forums has outlined a legal way to split the cost of XBLA downloads among two (or more) Xbox 360's and owners. All you need are a couple of 360 units and live accounts, a memory unit, and a friend who's willing to go halfsies for the game you want.

The process exploits a loophole in the XBLA usage restrictions that lets you play downloaded games on other Xbox 360 consoles as long as you log in once with your Xbox Live profile. All you have to do is transfer your profile with a memory unit and log in and download the game to the second console. The split games are fully functional, even allowing multiplayer matches involving both half-owners.

Of course, Microsoft could change its usage restrictions at any time, making this kind of splitting potentially risky. Still, paying $5 for Doom is twice as appealing as paying $10 for Doom.