
Meteos: Disney Magic gets the preview treatment

It's been well documented here at DS Fanboy how much we absolutely love Meteos, as well as puzzle games in general. When the announcement hit that there would be a Disney-themed edition of the game, we almost literally blew up with excitement. Regardless of the Disney theme, more Meteos was just what the doctor ordered for our bad case of needing to solve puzzles. IGN recently got their hands on an early build of the game and there has been a few changes to the already-beloved experience, causing us to wonder if this updated dose of Meteos is going to cure our ailment.

First of all, the DS now needs to be held like a book as if the player is playing Brain Age. Supposedly, this is to maximize visual space, but we'd be lying if we said the change was something we supported. Another change is that now on Easy and Medium difficulty, you can move blocks horizontally, as long as they're surrounded by at least one block on its left and right. We're anxious to get our hands on the final product, but for now we're choosing to remain skeptical. How about you, anxious or angry?

[Thanks BPMΩ!]