
Factor 5 scoffs at the Wii, fanboys shed one tear

During a recent interview with gaming magazine EGM (people still buy print gaming magazines?), the folks at Factor 5 randomly got down on the Wii, calling it "GameCube 1.5" and ragging on the graphics and sound capabilities. So, alright. No Rogue Squadron for us, and that'll just have to be fine. Yeah, the Wii isn't as powerful as the PS3 and the Xbox 360. That's old news. But so what? There are already two systems prepared to tumble into that uncanny valley as they race to try and create close-but-no-cigar photorealistic graphics. Do all three systems have to chase that same carrot? What's so terribly bad about Nintendo going a different route? Obviously, you don't have much of a problem with it if you're here at Wii Fanboy, but really. Graphics -- is that all there is to gaming? We're leaning toward no.

[Via Codename Revolution]