
A beta look at Jewelcrafting

WoW Vault has a terrific, if a little short, jewelcrafting guide up. From info they've gathered in the open beta, they walk you through training up the profession, learning Prospecting (which allows you to look for gems in Ore gained from Mining), all the way to 300 skill, at which you'll be able to craft gems that you can place in socketed armor. We've heard most of it before, but they've covered the subject pretty well.

And then they've got a listing of all the patterns so far available to gemcrafters. There's some neat stuff in there-- a statue that can heal you during downtime, ability and stat rings and necklaces, and even some items with not only cool "equip" abilities, but neat "uses" too: a necklace, for example, that gives a 30 minute party stamina buff when used. Now maybe in the expansion that's commonplace, but right now, that's awesome!

The other thing I noticed is that the Jewelcrafting skill seems to run all the way up to 365, which means it's likely that all skills will be given quite a few extra levels when the expansion shows up (which means you might not need Finkle's Skinner to skin those corehounds anymore). The guide does mention that a few of the recipes available from trainers will likely end up being looted, but either way, it looks like there's a lot of neat stuff in store for future Jewelcrafters.