
Metareview - Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

Metareview - Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

If you're debating whether or not to purchase Ubisoft's Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, the extreme range of reviews for the new RPG-shooter may leave you even more confused. A few things to consider: IGN issued their score without reviewing Dark Messiah's multiplayer, and Game Informer didn't seem to experience any of the technical glitches that marred GameSpot's and GameSpy's sessions. If you haven't done so already, you might want to download the demo, then wait a few weeks and see what other customers are saying.

  • Game Informer (93/100) enjoyed the Arx Fatalis-style atmosphere: "The ancillary aspects of the game – exploring Dark Messiah's fantastic world, enjoying the plotline, and simply basking in the great ambiance that Arkane Studios has created – are savory distractions that never get in the way of the core gameplay."

  • IGN (88/100) loved the combat system: "The mix of brute force, spell casting and blade-work work well together. Combined with the ability to lift boxes, barrels, crates and a host of inanimate objects, you're never short of something to hurl or a clever way of inflicting pain."

  • GameSpot (67/100) did not love the combat system: "All told, the game's single-player has its moments but is often really repetitive. It's certainly not bad, but the story never ropes you in, the combat isn't very satisfying, and you never get the feeling that Sareth is growing more powerful as you play."

  • GameSpy (60/100) had issues with just about everything: "Unfortunately, things like shaky enemy AI, meandering and unintuitive level designs, and a paper-thin plot make the game's brilliant moments seem way too infrequent. The biggest inherent problem with Dark Messiah's multiplayer is that all the cool Source physics elements have been gutted from it."

See also: Metareview - Heroes of Might and Magic V