
Wii component cables are retail-bound

The Wii component cables will be available in brick-and-mortar retail outlets on launch day, according to Nintendo of America's Perrin Kaplan. In an interview with Game Informer, Kaplan admitted her region-freemistake from mid-September before answering the question on the component cables' availability.

Prior to the interview, the general consensus was that the component cables would be made available only through Nintendo's online store, vastly dropping their chances of adoption. If Kaplan is correct, this would be a marginal boost for Nintendo to showcase what technical prowess the console has. In relation to its competitors, 480p is not a number to boast, but certainly it improves Wii's stance with the technophilic audience eager to get the most out of their hardware.

If Kaplan hasn't made a second mistake, expect to be able to pick up your higher-def Wii cables at "Best Buy, GameStop, Circuit City, etc." on launch day.

[Via Evil Avatar]