
SEGA + Iron Man = an interesting game in the future

Sega has secured the rights to develop and distribute games based on the the armored hero, Iron Man. This Marvel hero has made plenty of appearances in a multitude of games, but a purely Iron Man adventure has been missing for a long while (maybe because Tony Stark is a jerk). This is a sweet deal for Sega because of the upcoming film based on the very same hero, due to hit theaters in 2008.

That means the first game Sega will put out will be based on the film (which people will buy regardless of the stigma against movie-based games) and even after that, they can still do more -- possibly something that won't make the main characters look like Robert Downey Jr. and Terrance Howard. Specific platforms for the game weren't named, but if it's next-gen, it's probably going to be multi-platform and that definitely includes the PS3.