
GuildWatch: To the Victor Go the Spoils

This week's GuildWatch is all about the loot-- to the victor, as they say, go the spoils. One guild finished off Nef, and gave out free loot to their guildmates. Another guild got a world first occurence-- not one but two Staff Heads of Atiesh from the same Kel kill (at least that's what their screenshot says-- I'll leave it up to you to determine if it's faked or not). And I even got some sweet loot this week-- my guild downed Ony, and I got our first Tier 2 helm for my Shaman. Yep, it felt pretty good beating Ony up for the first time, and now, I get the spoils: my eyes glow white with power.

As always, if you have Drama, Downed or Recruiting news from your guild (or anyone else's), drop a note to us at This week's GW starts right after you click the link below.


  • This might be the first example of cross-server drama I've ever seen (oh, sure, there's the normal PVP vs. PVE flareups every once in a while, but this one is juicy). Havoc is an endgame guild that's gotten pretty far over on Thunderhorn-A, and they've had a (up until now) friendly rivalry with Reign, a guild over on Ysera-A. But when former guild officer Fade decided to transfer his alt to Ysera, he just so happened to invade the guild bank, drop about 350-400 Frozen Runes, a ton of Flasks, and a bunch of Shadow Protection potions with him. After transferring all that stuff to Ysera, he was quickly invited into Reign. And that's about when the flamewar on the forums ensued. Here's the post from Havok's leader on Ysera's forums, and here's Thunderhorn responding to the story. It looks like most of the guild fighting has died down by now (there's not much Havok can do anymore, considering their stuff is on another server), but you never know-- seems Reign might be ripe for a little THorn retribution.

  • All right, I'm not even sure I understand the RP drama, but I'm going to give this a shot. So Girl Power used to be a role playing guild of women over on Thorium Brotherhood-A, but apparently some of the roleplaying girls in that guild got a little, err, "rowdy." As in, they played characters as "sluts," griefed "fellow sisters," and generally ran amuck (were bad roleplayers, I'm told). Also, the female guild leadership wanted to aim more towards endgame raiding (they thought it would be sweet to down Ony with an all-girl guild), but these crazy RPers weren't interested in raiding at all. So the leadership of Girl Power, after much negotiation, decided to /gkick the rotten apples, and reform the guild as Daughters of War. If you want to find out more about what happened, feel free to check the rest of the site. I can't quite figure it out-- some of it is RP stuff, some of it is she said, she said stuff, and some of it just doesn't make any sense (who are they Daughters of?). But no matter what, I wish them all the best of luck. Maybe the sluts can form their own guild. Or maybe that's spot is already taken... (NSFW-ish)

  • And just in case you missed it, Overrated on Black Dragonflight-H got caught by Blizzard running an exploit to make their way to quest givers in AQ, and got completely permabanned by Blizz. More info here-- they said they "basically had to" cheat. As far as I'm concerned, good riddance to bad rubbish. Have fun playing FFXII, guys.


  • First things first this week, I have to give a shout out to the best guild in the known universe. Grats to my guild, Gothic Bunnies (shamelessly given the Best Guild Name award this week-- but by Elisabeth, not me) on Thunderhorn-H, for downing the big black dragon. Err, the female one-- that's right, Onyxia. Next up: BWL! Hop on, Bunnies!

  • The Leftovers is a public raiding group on Silver Hand (I've never heard the term, but I assume it's a group of players that raid together but aren't in a guild. Technically, this is GuildWatch, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt), and just this past week, one of their groups downed Nefarian. Grats!

  • Argus Imperious on Whisperwind-A continues rocking-- they finished off Huhu.

  • Discples of Carnage and Einherjar (Duskwood-H) have been fighting together in Zul Gurub, and finished Hakkar this weekend on their very first pull. Nice job!

  • Raid Werks on Cenarion Circle-A have been working on BWL for just six weeks, and this past weekend brought down Nef. To celebrate, they gave away all the loot from Nef DKP-free. Because epic loot is cool, but free epic loot is much better.

  • Darknova on Alexstraza-H continues their reign of terror-- this time Chromaggus falls victim.

  • Forlorn Legacy (server?) has beaten the big one-- Kel Thuzad! And they're the first guild ever (as in worldwide) to create not one, but two Staves of Atiesh from one kill. Two heads dropped, and because we know you're going to ask, here's the SS to prove it. There's a word for that, and it is hawt.

  • Untold Power on Scilla updates again-- this time, they've finished off Firemaw. Grats!


  • The Lords Council on Dragonblight-A is recruiting everything but Warriors.

  • Or if you want to play a little darker, the Villians Requiem, also on Dragonblight, are recruiting everything but Warriors and Rogues at the moment. No Warrior love, eh?

  • Echoes of Elysium on Dalvengyr-A wants tanks, dps, a few druids, and a pally for Naxx. Oh, and you already have to be in Tier 2. Again I ask: if I'm in Tier 2, why am I still looking for a guild?

  • Eidolon on Azgalor-H wants late night raiders-- seriously, they're starting BWL and raids begin at 2 a.m. Perfect for you nite owl gamers.

  • Fallen on Durotan-H wants all classes.

  • Killer Instinct on Uldum-A is just getting into BWL and looking for all classes.

  • Oh, and in case you haven't heard Overrated (yes, the permabanned guild in drama above) is now recruiting. Apparently a few of them are still here, and they want more people to skip trash mobs whoops, sorry-- take on AQ40.

That's it for this week. Remember, if you've got Drama, Downed, or Recruiting news to report, please get it to ASAP! We'll be glad you did.