
Hands-on: the Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive

As if the Wii and PlayStation 3 weren't enough for one weekend, Microsoft sent us their upcoming Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive to tinker around with. After the ritual unpacking, we hooked it up -- using a simple USB cable to the 360 and (yet another) power adapter -- installed the software patch they provided with the unit, and got right into a movie. Initial impressions of the HD-DVD drive is that it delivers an incredible image for the high-def inclined; however, it's yet another box to add to your growing arsenal of electronics.

For gamers with high-def displays and Xbox 360s, the $200 HD-DVD player provides a (relatively) affordable path to high-def discs, but with Microsoft's recent announcement of downloadable high-def rentals, we imagine plenty of consumers will be willing to wait this format war out. More pics of the package and a video after the break.

Power, one USB out, two USB in, and a mounting plate for the WiFi adapter.