
A HUGE backwards compatibility checklist for the PS3

This list, found on the NeoGAF forums (#24), is in fact so huge that we're not even going to try to recycle it onto here. Our job isn't to spam you with some familiar titles and a ton of Japanese titles, rather to let you know that there is apparently an issue or two with the backwards compatibility feature of the PS3. What kind of issue? Pretty much the same thing that plagued certain PSX games when used in the PS2. If the game's 2-D, you might get a little box surrounding your character. One of note is Valkyrie Profile which sports some audio errors, but it had them with the PS2. So it's nothing new.

Any troubles with major titles will probably get fixed in firmware updates, so take this with a grain of salt -- it's not a big deal. The one big deal many might complain about is the fact that PS2 HDD games (read: Final Fantasy XI) aren't yet supported. That'll probably change, too. Updates, updates, updates. We'll probably see a lot of them regarding backwards compatibility in the coming months/years. But then again, do you really care if a piece of music doesn't playback instantly/properly sometimes in a game that isn't necessarily a symphony to your ears? It shouldn't have to be an issue, but it's something that could be easy to live with, should updates fail to address the issue. Just keep a spare PS2 in case you really can't stand a problem that may arise.