
More hearsay about modern Call of Duty

the next call of duty?

Back in March, some reliable intel informed us that the Call of Duty franchise was splitting off in two directions. We learned that a studio other than Infinity Ward was working on another WWII-based CoD entry. As suspected, this turned out to be Treyarch's Call of Duty 3. Our sources also detailed Infinity Ward's next CoD effort, dubbed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which would introduce the series to the 'war on terror.'

Some eight months later, Amped IGO reports its sources have re-confirmed Infinity Ward's modern-day CoD installment. The major bullet point posted in this report is that each rendered head will feature 16 critical points of contact, allowing players to experiment with trick shots like spinning an enemy's helmet by shooting the corresponding point. Allegedly, you'll even be able to blast off your enemy's ear.

Amped also claims that Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4 (what Amped refers to the game as) will bring the franchise back to PC (in addition to consoles) -- Treyarch's Call of Duty 3 is currently console-only. Sources have placed multiplayer support at up to 54 players.