
DVD upgrade coming next year

First we thought we were going to have DVD playback on the Wii. Then we heard it was a no-go. Then we were told that it might be Japan-only. Now we hear it's a go for everyone, but only through an update to be released late next year. But here's the thing -- does anyone really care?

Yeah, it was, and is, silly that the console doesn't play DVDs. It was frankly a bit silly that the GameCube didn't play DVDs, back when it mattered, back when everyone didn't already own multiple DVD players. But these days, is it even an issue? How many DVD players do you already own? If the Wii Fanboy staff added up all their in-home DVD players, the number might stagger you (there are seven just in this blogger's house).

So. The Wii will get an update from Sonic Solutions (the folks behind Roxio) that will provide DVD playback. And there was much rejoicing. Yay.