
Do MMOs have a bad rap?

With all the mainstream media coverage WoW is garnering, from South Park to the New York Times, it is easy to come to the conclusion that MMOs are rising in popularity and societal acceptance.

However, as an interesting article in Terra Nova argues, perhaps the WoW phenomenon is the exception and not the rule.

The article looks at some of the negative aspects of the MMO brand identity and examines why some people, even hardcore gamers, are still turned off by the genre.

From tales of people keeling over from all night gaming sessions to support groups like Everquest Widows , there are many negative connotations related to MMOs that may stagnate their growth.

The nature of MMOs also leads some people to think of them more as a chore than something fun. I mean really, how many people think rep grinding is fun?

So is WoW the beginning of a tide of greater acceptance for the MMO genre or is it simply a one hit wonder that cannot escape the stereotypes of the caffeine-riddled, all-night gamer who rarely sees the sun?