
WoW 2.0 tomorrow? [Update: Nope.]

Just now (my guild is heading to Onyxia tonight), I started up Blizzard Launcher, and it ran a small update, then said that after I quit WoW, a new patch would begin to download. Intrigued, I logged out, and sure enough, after I quit the game, Blizzard Downloader started up in the background, working away on "1.12.x-to-2.0.1-enUS-patch."

And that should have gotten anyone who's been paying attention very excited, because, as we all know, WoW 2.0.1 is the expansion patch-- a revamped honor system, new talent trees, a new LFG system, and a host of other improvements (no DHKs!) running in advance of the January expansion. Originally, when Blizzard officially delayed the expansion till 2007, we were told this patch would drop in December, but the public test servers have been up for a week or so, so maybe Blizz determined we were good to go, as an early Thanksgiving weekend present for players.

Then again, maybe this is the downloader getting things ready for the coming patch, which will drop not tomorrow, but at a later date. But a month ahead of time? That seems really early for them to drop a patch to just let it sit on our hard drives. I guess by the end of tomorrow's maintenance, we'll know whether WoW 2.0 is here or not.

Update: Blue says it's just a download in advance for the patch. No patch tomorrow. Oh well. (Thanks, Strum!)