
Burning Crusade FAQ update

Blizzard has posted an update to the Burning Crusade FAQ adding some new questions and answers to the list.

Most of the updates center around things such as raids and dungeons. Questions answered include: Will there be anymore 40 man raids? Answer, no. Will existing raid encounters have their caps decreased? Answer, no. And, will the current reset timers on raids be changed? Again, no.

A few interesting tidbits include some info on the difficulty settings for dungeons in the expansion. According to the FAQ all dungeons will have a normal and heroic difficulty setting. In order to unlock the heroic level of a dungeon, players will need to be level 70 and achieve other as-of-yet-unnamed objectives. The difficulty settings will only apply to non-raid dungeons.

The FAQ also hints at a world event to open the Dark Portal and relays a little trash talk from Illidan:

Will it be possible to kill Illidan in the Burning Crusade?

Illidan doesn't think so. As a matter of fact, he's probably thinking about destroying your character for simply entertaining the thought.