
$1 million Second Life land deal

Virtual realty is becoming a big business these days. At the forefront of virtual stuff is Second Life; whenever we hear about some bizarre or amazing cash transaction involving fake goods, Second Life always seems to be part of the equation.

A player by the name of Ailin Graef, a Second Life land speculator of sorts, has just surpassed the $1 million point in the game. She started with a paltry $9.95 and her wheelin' and dealin' got her a massive return on investment. Talk about the ultimate stay-at-home job.

The world of virtual realty does look quite tasty, but the ultimate question is will it last? None of the property actually exists and could be wiped out by a simple virus. Still, Ms. Graef's business is doing so well she opened up an office in China and is hoping to expand to 50 employees. Anyone else make big bucks selling fake stuff?