
Apple posts 3 new Get a Mac ads

What's that smell in the air? Ah, fresh Get a Mac commercials. Apple started airing three new commercials tonight, and they just posted them on Gift Exchange (featured above) shows the PC in his finest holiday wear as the Mac and PC exchange gifts. The Mac give the PC a photo book made with iPhoto, though he was hoping for a C++ book. The second ad, called 'Sales Pitch' has the PC trying his darnedest to get people to buy him (he eschews his traditional greeting, 'And I'm a PC' for 'And buy a PC.' So clever). Finally we have 'Meant For Work' in which the PC laments the fact that 10 year olds don't have checking account (if you watch the ad that'll make more sense).

All in all a good batch of ads, and they are all pushing iLife pretty heavily. What's your favorite out of this new batch?

Thanks to everyone who sent this in.