
Looking good while leveling is never wrong

Cheri asks if learning a weapon skill just because a weapon looks cool is dumb. If you're asking me, Cheri, I'd say, "not at all." She's even talking about just learning a weapon skill, and I'm saying that if you have to respec just to use a cool looking weapon, go for it.

My Shammy was all about shields and maces while leveling, all the way up until Kang the Decaptator dropped and I won the roll. I couldn't pass it up-- I went ahead and grabbed the two-hand spec point just to wield that weapon. Nowadays, as a resto raider, I'm back to using the snake mace and a shield, but if a terrific caster staff dropped and fell into my hands, I wouldn't mind switching at all. Likewise, after looking at the rogue builds, I decided to go for a combat daggers build because it seemed like that would let me do what I wanted as a rogue. But I can't seem to find two daggers that look really cool to wield-- I have to say, I'm seriously thinking about speccing swords (away from my beloved backstab!!) just to wield two gigantic blades of destruction. Heck, I've even worn a cloth headpiece for a while on both my Shammy and my Rogue, just because I thought it looked much better.

The purists among you are probably apoplectic by now, shocked that I would choose a piece of gear for its looks rather than its stats, or that I would change my playstyle simply for cosmetic reasons. But what can I say-- the looks make the Orc. What's the point of min/maxing all those abilities and that equipment if you can't look good doing it?