
Today's hottest game video: Final Fantasy VII trailer [update 1]

Today's most-watched YouTube game video is a fairly good-quality bootleg of the Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core trailer from this year's Tokyo Game Show. This Japanese-language video of the upcoming PSP game starts slowly, with a lot of exposition. But the last third of the five-minute sequence includes enough action and in-game footage to move the most reserved Final Fantasy fanboy into a foaming, rabid, lurching frenzy. Even regular gamers may like it.

See the whole video after the break.

[Update 1: Thanks, commenters, for pointing out that this clip was already featured in a non-hottest video post. So, we're bringing you an extra hottest video -- the hottestest video -- the SSX Blur trailer. Thrill as snowboarders glide down the mountain, doing tricks on the Wii, presumably with motion controls. See the extra video after the break.]