
Namco-Bandai brings Trioncube to the DS

Namco-Bandai issued out a press release today, stating that they plan on releasing a new Nintendo DS title to North America in February of next year. This title, which is Trioncube, is a puzzler where the player must embark on a journey across eight different planets, into the depths of space, as the captain of the mighty space ship Penko, to rescue the princess from the grasp of Hell Metal. This is done by creating a Trioncube, which is a 3X3 block, fueling the space ship. The bigger the chain of Trioncubes, the further your ship will travel.

The game is to feature four different gameplay modes in Arcade, Story, Endless and Vs.While creating these Trioncubes, players will also collect coins in order to purchase Effects and Arts: in-game items such as sushi rolls, dogs and tambourines, which are designed to aid the player in their quest of creating gigantic Trioncube chains and save the princess.

Screenshots for the game have been included past the jump.