
Metareview: Elebits


, the launch title (before Metroid Prime 3 was pushed back) this blogger wants the most, has finally released and we can now go hunting for those tiny little critters, tearing apart kitchens and gardens as we do so. We're quite sure, based on our time with the title at E3 and what has been shown since, that we're going to love it, but what about the rest of the game reviewing world? What do the critics think of the game?

  • Game Informer - 70%: "The tactile sensation of pointing at a popcorn cart and flinging it into the stratosphere is interesting and fun, but simple movement and navigation will occasinally be a needlessly frustrating obstacle." [Jan 2007, p.106]

  • IGN - 83%: "If you're looking for a visual stunner, Elebits is not for you. But if you just want a really fun outing that's every bit as original as it is engaging, I think Elebits is your game. This title is destined for sleeper status."

  • Gamebrink - 89%: "A solid title that uses the Wiimote and Nunchuk controls extremely well. If you're not in it for the offline 4 player multiplayer, which isnt all that great, or the level building then this is probably a rental. Though, if you want to get perfect rankings on all the levels youll likely want to make it a purchase." [Japanese import]