
Calling all bloggers, part two: FAQ edition

Now that we put out the cattle call, we're gonna take a moment to explain the branding ... er, the position itself. We've had a few questions in the comments, so we'll address those -- and we have one for you, dear reader. In this time of transition, take a moment to tell us what you want to see. If you controlled DS or Wii Fanboy for a day, what would you implement? What would you like to see for the future? Let us know, either here in the comments, or through the comment submission form here.

Check after the jump for the skinny on the applications.

1. Is this a real paid position? Do I need to be a published writer to be considered? Can I do this while doing another job?

All valid questions. You needn't be a professional journalist to apply, or have any publishing credits at all, but you do have to be committed to blogging for us on a regular schedule. This is a commitment and you will be paid. It's a commitment we take seriously. It is, however, perfectly possible to do this while plugging away at something else, depending of course on your own temperament. Those who make it that far in the application process will have a chance to discuss specific scheduling details.

2. Do I have to be over 18? Do I have to live in the United States?

No on both counts. If you're of legal age to work wherever you live, you can write for us, so long as you have the skills and can make the commitment. And no, you don't have to live in the United States. You can live anywhere you'd like, so long as you have a reliable connection to the 'net.

3. Is there a deadline for applications?

While it would be nice to be able to say that there is a deadline, there really isn't. We will look until we find the right people, and then we will stop looking. Submitting sooner is probably better than submitting later.

4. What are you looking for?

Obviously, a passion for gaming, particularly Nintendo gaming. We absolutely require self-motivation, the ability to self-edit, solid writing ability, a friendly attitude and a willingness to follow instructions. That means you'll probably not be considered if you send us an application filled with mistakes. Spell check is your best good friend around here.

5. What happens if my application is chosen?

We'll be in touch. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reply to all applicants, though we appreciate what you're sending!

Just to recap -- if you want to apply to write for us, here's what we need from you:

  • Write up 3 mock posts in the current format that is on DS and Wii Fanboy, including original source links for the story

  • Compose a short bio

  • Include links to all published material you have written in the past

And send it all to nintendobloggerjob [at] gmail [dot] com.