
And now ... the Wiimote lawsuit

Just when you thought the story couldn't get any sillier, some fools are suing Nintendo over the Wiimote straps. Get ready for a lot of articles wherein people speculate about 32 different definitions of liability. Meanwhile, we'll be over here playing Wii without slinging the remotes around all willy-nilly. We'll have to see how this one pans out, though; these lawsuits often bear fruit, despite seeming a little nutty to the rest of us.

Nintendo's people didn't mince words in their response: "We believe the lawsuit to be completely without merit." Not a lot of room for doubt there, and we're certainly on their side, and not only because they're, y'know, the precious. Mostly because we think it's all a little insane to blame others because you were wearing baby oil gloves. We do have to wonder, however ... what if Sony had kept their boomerang controllers for the PS3? Those things could kill a man!

On a side note, thanks to Penny Arcade for providing the perfect image for the Wii strap debacle.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]